All Grit, No Gimmicks: How Odoo Transforms ERP for Small Businesses

4 January 2024 by
Maz | ODIY Academy


A blend of unwavering determination, resilience, and a bit of old-fashioned elbow grease. It's about facing challenges head-on and not just hanging in there, but thriving. Now, if there's a software out there embodying the essence of 'grit', it’s got to be Odoo. This isn't your run-of-the-mill ERP solution. It’s a testament to what happens when tenacity meets technology 💪.



Enterprise Resource Planning: It's like your business's know-it-all friend who insists on organising everything, from accounting to supply chain, and does a surprisingly good job, unless it gets too complex, then it's like herding cats with a laser pointer 🤦‍♀️.

The Lowdown on Odoo: Not Your Average Tech Tale

Let's kick things off with a bit of storytelling. Odoo's journey from a mere idea to a software superstar is nothing short of impressive. It's like the tech world's Cinderella story, but without the glass slipper drama. It's so inspiring to me, that I have a secret entre-crush on Odoo's founder Fabien Pinckaers 🤭 but that's for another blog.

Levelling the Playing Field: Odoo's Gift to the 'Little Guys'

It's tough out there for small and medium-sized businesses, right? We're often the underdogs, battling against the big kahunas with our limited resources and multiple app subscriptions for the latest thingo. Enter Odoo, the knight in shining armour, offering SMEs a fighting chance in the global ring. To Odoo's founder, Fabien, it didn't seem fair to SMEs - and so at Odoo Experience 2022, Odoo launched their new pricing strategy that went from a per user + per app basis to just per user + ALL THE APPS!

And it's not like they weren't already affordable - for the mid-market sized businesses Odoo was already insanely cheap compared to the likes of SAP, Netsuite and Microsoft Business Central - and yet, they wanted to level it out for the smaller co's with even fewer users, so that they too could make use of all that Odoo had to offer, no barriers to entry.

AND that's not even mentioning the Community version, which continues to be Free limited in some of it's functionality, but still an amazing, robust and complete system!

Tech Made Easy: Odoo’s Charm Offensive

Odoo’s user interface is like that friendly neighbour who always says hi – approachable and unassuming. It’s made tech less of a headache and more of a high-five for businesses.

I mean just look at this example of an Odoo interface, simple, intuitive, attractive:

Odoo CRM Kanban

Customisation: Odoo’s ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Feature

Every business is different – like snowflakes, but with less freezing temperatures. Odoo gets this. Odoo knows businesses are as unique as fingerprints on a crime scene. It lets companies tailor the software to their own quirky needs, kind of like choosing toppings on a pizza (pineapple optional).

With Odoo's basic customisation functions and the more advanced Studio app, you can customise an existing app or even create your own, in a super user-friendly application. You're not limited to using expensive development resources to add a couple of custom fields or add a new report layout.

Integration: Odoo, The Business Swiss Army Knife

Odoo's integration prowess is like having a Swiss Army knife in your tech toolbox. Need to juggle finance, sales, and who knows what else? Odoo’s got your back, no sweat. All of Odoo's applications are natively integrated - no need for 3rd party integrators. But there is also the option of integrating with 3rd Party tools and apps too if you need, with Odoo's API availability and open-source nature.

Affordability: Top-Notch Software Without Breaking the Bank

Budget constraints can be a real party pooper. With Odoo, you get champagne quality on a blonde beer budget. It’s about giving top-tier software without making wallets weep.

Scalability: Growing Hand-in-Hand with Your Business

Odoo isn't just a one-hit wonder. As your business expands, so does Odoo's utility. Odoo grows with your business – kind of like a faithful dog, but without the mess. As your business expands, Odoo stretches, ensuring you’re not left wearing a software that’s two sizes too small. You can add apps as you go, and upgrade to the new features and functions as they are released (and this is a continuous gift that keeps on giving!).

Community Support: Wisdom of the Crowd

Odoo’s community is like a hive mind of Yodas, constantly brewing up improvements. It’s collaborative, it’s smart, and it’s what makes Odoo more than just software.

Training and Resources: Powering Up Users

Odoo turns regular Joes and Janes into business software ninjas, armed with training and resources to tackle the Odoo beast.

There are countless YouTube videos, and Odoo's own e-learning library - and of course ODIY Academy!

Success Tales: Odoo in the Real World

Actions speak louder than words. There are literally thousands of companies around the world using and growing with Odoo - and over 12 million users (and counting). That's pretty amazing!

You can learn about just some of our region's success stories below:

Staying Ahead of the Game with Odoo

In this ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead is not just important, it's survival. Odoo plays the role of a futuristic crystal ball, keeping businesses not just in the loop but leading the charge. Thanks to its open-source nature and a vibrant community that's quick on its feet, Odoo is always at the forefront of innovation, seamlessly integrating the latest and greatest in tech.

While others in the tech world were busy throwing parties over incorporating Chat-GPT into their systems (I’m looking at you, Microsoft with Bing), Odoo had already sprinted past them. They integrated this AI marvel into their Website Builder faster than you can say ‘search engine underdog’! It's like watching a tech version of 'The Tortoise and the Hare,' and spoiler alert: Odoo is not playing the part of the hare. So, let’s just say, in the race of technological advancements, Odoo were done, whilst the others were probably on their 22nd meeting about doing it.

Wrapping Up: Odoo, More Than Just Software

To sum it up, Odoo isn’t just a piece of software. It’s a beacon of hope, a tool of change, and a buddy for businesses looking to make their mark!

It's an exciting time!

📻 Check out this great episode from the Planet Odoo Podcast:
Maz | ODIY Academy 4 January 2024
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